How to Prepare for SSB Interview at low cost


In this article, I will show you the exact preparation strategy of my friend to crack the SSB interview at a low cost.

If you are thinking about

  • Best books
  • Important factor
  • Manage cost

UPSC conducted this test after clear the written mains exam. This exam is highly competitive and tough exam to clear.

In this exam, the SSB board constitutes personality, intelligence test, and interview by following a suitable protocol to become an Indian Officer.

SSB Interview Highlights

Let’s check the 5 days schedule for the SSB

  • 1st Day: Basic Intelligence Test
    • Verbal and Non-verbal Test
    • PPDT
    • Result of Screening
  • 2nd Day: Psychological Test: This test takes to check psychological suitability
    • TAT:
    • WAT
    • SRT
    • SD
    • GTO
  • 3rd and 4th Day: The Group Testing Officers (GTO) Activities
    • GD
    • Group Planning Exercise(GPE)
    • Progressive Group Task(PGT)
    • Half Group Task(HGT)
    • Individual Obstacles Task(IOT)
    • Command Task:
    • Group Obstacle Race
    • Individual Lectorate
    • Final Group Task(FGT)
  • 5th Day: Conference
  • A Personal Interview (PI) can be taken on any day between the second to fourth days


Get More Knowledge

Good books, well-written articles, and informative videos help you to get more and more knowledge about SSB Interviews.

They develop your intelligence, knowledge, reading habits, and build perspectives.

Read the daily newspaper, current affairs, and magazine to get more valuable knowledge.

On Basic intelligence test is will help you a lot.

You easily give the answer to Verbal and non-verbal tests. 

In the book you find different types of images to clear the PPDT test.

Also, you practice solving the question to take the right decision.


Schedule your Time

You know, time management is very important to clear every exam.

It helps you to improve your efficiency and minimize your wastage of time.

Include all important things in your timetable like- Physical activities, reading, self-development, remove obstacles, and other useful things.


Maintain your Fitness

Your mental and Physically Fitness is playing 95% of your success to crack SSB interview.

Mental fitness helps you to find the right answer, confidence, communication skills, and expression.

And physical fitness helps you to clear your other physical task. For example:- group task, command task, PGT, HGT, and more.

Physical Test:

While performing these tests, you should have to keep in mind certain instructions and rules.

Run daily 1km and slowly increase it. Do meditation to relax your mind and body.

Yoga is also good for exercise. Improve your stamina on daily basis.

There is few physical and medical test for checking your physical fitness.

Psychological Test:

Picture Perception and Description Test(PPDT) or Thematic Apperception Test(TAT) will take to check your psychology.

To clear this test, you need to write a crisp, practical, positive, and sensible story.

See pictures and write the daily story to better practice. You have a positive mindset during watching a picture.

Your time limit is limited.

In the market, many books are available on psychology and SSB interviews to clear.

Avoid these Things In Psychology Test

  • Don’t try to put already prepared stories that have no connection to the slide shown. Create a logical story.
  • Don’t be late in the examination hall, Don’t make noise, and Don’t be unduly anxious.
  • Avoid shyness to clarifying your doubt regarding tests.
  • Don’t mark anything in the booklet, don’t use the extra sheets,s and don’t disturb other aspirants.


Right Guidance

Because you choose the right career for your life. So, you must choose the right teacher for the right guidance.

You know, proper guidance and planning play a very important role to clear the SSB interview on the first attempt.

So, in the beginning, you choose to join Acadamy/right teacher for the right guidance.


Personality Test

The very first problem which most of the candidates face is a lack of communication skills.

  • Excessive sweating
  • Anxiety
  • stammering
  • shivering
  • not able to convey the thoughts.

They see a few different things in your personality. Follow this guide.

Attitude Matters: You must have a willing or positive attitude toward yourself, belief in yourself, to clear the SSB interview.

If you worrying about your interview, so your mind won’t focus, won’t think clearly, and you lose a big opportunity.

Communication Skill: Your communication skill will play an important role in your interview.

How better, you explain your answer.

Body Language: your body language make 70time better your speech/answer than normal speech/answer.

Body language helps you to visualize your thought.

Leadership Skills or decision-making skills will also help you to clear your SSB interview.

work on your speaking skill before standing in front of the mirror and practice 10-15 minutes daily.

English is not a big concern for your interview. But English affects your interview.

Avoid These things in Personality Test

  • Don’t be under-stressed.
  • Avoid wearing a shabbily dress.
  • Don’t ask questions again.
  • Avoid doing guesswork.
  • Don’t keep your mobile, watch during the interview.




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